Firstly, we like to say that we hope to see you all anytime soon and we hope to organize a great pub quiz when possible. And to be honest organizing a drink on our beloved Thursday is kind on impossible at the moment. But, like real sailors, we try to make to best of it.
To keep connected in these difficult times, we would like to invite you for a nice and gentle lunch on Friday 7th January, starting at 13:30.
In case you wish to attend, please register by sending a mail to The deadline for your registration is Friday, December 24. On Monday the 3rd will we send you the address and restaurant of choice.
Off course we keep all covid-rules in mind and the restaurant shall ask for a valid QR-code. If you have any covid- related symptoms, we would love to see you on another occasion.
Stay stafe and we wish you happy holidays!
Link Maritime