LINK Maritime | Annual Meeting | October 5th | INVITE |
As usual in October, the fiscal year of LINK is coming to an end. Frank Herbert once said: “There is no real ending. It’s just the place where you stop the story”. For years, LINK has attempted to stop the story in a nice little tavern that goes by the name Locus Publicus. Luckily, no one has ever managed to truly stop the story, as LINK will always live on. On the 5th of October, however – for some after 7 years – the story stops for five board members of Link… Hans, Dasja, Natasja, Iris & Gijs have decided to step down and make way for a fresh and enthusiastic batch of board members eager to take LINK to an even higher level. They will be introduced during the meeting, so this is the perfect chance to meet them and to drink to a new and fantastic Link year! In short: What: Annual meeting For the brave amongst us, see you there! |