Dear Members,
We are going on-line with wine!
Happy to announce that our Annual General Meeting (“AGM”)will take place via an online platform on the 5th of November.
In order to prevent ourselves from having only the board members present, we would like to reward (read: bribe) those who are loyal to LINK and participate to our AGM. In case you register for the GAM and provide your home address** when doing so, you will receive a box containing two bottles of wine carefully selected by ‘Wijn aan de Kade’. This will enable participants to our AGM, to enjoy quality products while the LINK board does the needful to round up the year.
Please register by sending an email to and don’t forget to clearly state your home address**.
Deadline: 29th of October
Spots/boxes available: 40 (first come – first served)
Stay fresh & stay healthy!
All the best,
The board of LINK
** Home address will only be used for the purpose of sending the box with wine.

Annual General Meeting
The meeting moments
Date: 5th November 2020
Location: On-line
Board :
President: Toon Le Coultre
Secretary: Robert Hoepel
Treasury: Gijs Kampschöer
General Boardmember: Hans Groeneveld
General Boardmember: Natasja de Groot
General Boardmember: Ivo Audenaerd
General Boardmember: Rishab Naidu
No. of members: 15
- Opening
Toon Le Coultre opens the meeting and welcomes the attendees.
- Short summary of our last General Meeting 3 October 2019
During our general meeting on the 3rd of October 2019 we announced that we would continue in organizing interesting events to reach a higher amount of members to our events. We would continuing the success of LINK.
- Annual Report 2019 – 2020
We look back on a good start of the year with many familiar faces but also new faces.
We kickoff in November with an event at Melief Bender, 25-35 attendees. And in the start of 2020 a great whiskey event was a fact at Cat Jazz Cigar Bar, 36 attendees followed up with the RotterTram also a successful event of 41 attendees.
Then in March COVID-19 kicked in and we were not able to organize an event due to the governmental restrictions.
We used this time to think about the moment we would be able to organize an event again.
In July it was the time to organize something because the regulations started to loosen. We organized a brilliant event at Biergarten where 38 of our members attended. Followed in August with an event at Fontein despite the holidays still 20 attendees. In September we organized an event at Weena 20 attendees.
Unfortunately COVID-19 kicked in again. The general meeting in Oktober has been cancelled last minute. And now we are here, On-line with the general meeting!
- Financial Annual Report 2019-2020
Income from contribution: EUR 19500,00
Expenses : EUR 13500,00
Balans EUR 6000 > EUR3000,00 reserved for Lustrum + EUR3000,00 taken to year 2020-2021.
- Report Treasury Committee 2019 – 2020 [Arend Jan and Siwart Mackintosh]
Financial annual report found ok and accepted by the treasury committee!
- Treasury Committee 2020-2021
Next year the treasury committee will be consisting: Siwart Mackintosh and Jochem Donkers!
- Contribution 2020-2021
Contribution stays as it is. EUR 495,00 for company members and EUR 95,00 for personal members. A company membership enables five employees per company to attend each regular LINK event.
- Discharge Board 2019-2020
We thank the Board of 2019-2020 for their contribution of time, ideas and enthusiasm to Link. With special thanks to Robert and Rishab who will leave the board of LINK Maritime. Iris and Jasmijn are proposed new board members of LINK.
All members agreed Iris and Jasmijn to join the board as general board member.
- Board 2020-2021
President: Toon Le Coultre
Secretary: Hans Groeneveld
Treasury: Natasja de Groot
General Boardmember: Jasmijn van Loon [Broekman]
General Boardmember: Gijs Kampschöer
General Boardmember: Ivo Audenaerd
General Boardmember: Iris van Laar [Boskalis]
- Plans 2020-2021
We would like to go with the flow we are in at the moment! Try to arrange events online or in real life if the covid regulations allow.
In December we have scheduled a pubquiz with great prices to win!
Possible events for coming year [if covid regulations allow]:
– Stoom & Chroom
– Gin in Schiedam
- Questions?
- Closing